Dual Practices of Chan and Tantra, and Vows to be reborn in Maitreya Inner Court as the Basis

  • 1. Foundation Class
  • 2. Progressive Class
  • 3. Research Class

(To equip beginners with basic Buddhist knowledge to integrate into the Progressive Class.)

1.1 Buddhism for Beginners

To supplement Buddhist knowledge

Course content: The Life of Shakyamuni Buddha, The Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Noble Path, The Twelve Factors of Dependent Origination, Cause and Effect, Cyclic Existence, and the like.

1.2 History of Buddhism

To understand the history of Buddhism

Course content: History of Indian Buddhism, History of Chinese Buddhism and History of Tibetan Buddhism

1.3 Learning of Precepts

To have deeper understanding of the precepts (allowed or not allowed, observed or transgressed)

Course content: The Five Precepts Sutra, The Ten Virtues, The Eight Precepts, Yoga Bodhisattva Precepts, and the like.

2.1 True Views of the Teachings of the Three Vehicles

Transitioning from general understanding to specialised learning with targeted content.

2.2 Vows to be Reborn in Maitreya Inner Court – True Views of the Sutras and Sastras of Maitreya

To be reborn in Maitreya Inner Court, the specific practice methods consists of theory and sustained practice.

The Progressive and Research classes are set up to enable students to completely understand the essence of the sastras of Maitreya and to integrate them into their practice.

To guide one’s return – Make vows to be reborn in Maitreya Inner Court

To develop one’s True Views – Delve deeply into the sutras and sastras of Maitreya

From the Practice Perspective of the Stages of the Path -
Comparison between Maitreya’s Five Sastras, Yogacarabhumi Sastra and the Five Paths

Course Application

Guidelines and Requirements
  1. Students who have not attended two to three years of Buddhist classes:
    • First, apply to study any course in the Foundation Class.
    • After completing a course in the Foundation Class, one can take up any course in the Progressive Class.
    • take up any course in the Research Class, one must be doing Practice Booklet three or beyond.
  2. Students who have attended two to three years of Buddhist courses:
    • Apply directly to study any course in the Progressive Class.
    • To take up any course in the Research Class, one must be doing Practice Booklet three or beyond.
  3. The Research Class is for students of the Progressive Class who are doing Practice Booklet three or beyond.

BMM Path to Buddhahood Practice System

Advancement Table